Singing Guide: Clean Bandit feat. iann dior

Singing Guide: Clean Bandit feat. iann dior

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Clean Bandit is a British group known for their unique fusion of classical music and electronic pop. With their hit tracks like 'Rockabye' and 'Symphony', Clean Bandit has made their place in the world of pop music. One of their latest releases, 'Higher' featuring iann dior, has blown up in popularity with its catchy hooks and beat. In this article, we will discuss how to sound like the vocalists in the song 'Higher' and what techniques can help you achieve that.

First and foremost, it's essential to analyze your voice and understand your voice type. That's when you can start singing in the right pitch and range. Take Singing Carrot's Vocal Range Test to compare your singing style with the Clean Bandit's singers.

One crucial aspect specific to 'Higher' is the use of chest voice. In simple terms, Chest voice is the lower register of your singing voice, while the top part is called the head voice. The chest voice can lend a full-bodied and robust sound to your singing. Listen to the song and note the steadfast chest voice of the lead vocalist.

Breath support is key to perform Chest Voice. Avoid constrictions in your throat and keep it relaxed. Singing Carrot's article on Breath Support can help you improve this aspect. You can also work on your posture to breathe correctly and let the air flow naturally.

To add depth and vibrancy to your voice, it's crucial to work on resonance. Resonance, simply put, is the amplification of sound in your vocal cavity to create fuller and richer sounds. Check out Singing Carrot's article on Resonance in Singing and work on exercises to open up your throat and achieve that vibrant sound.

Diaphragmatic support is very important while using chest voice, and you can practice that with exercises like Farinelli Breathing. To handle transitions between chest voice and other registers, it's essential to work on your Vocal breaks and use techniques like Mixed Voice and head voice. Singing Carrots' Articles on Voice Registers and Vocal Breaks can help you master these techniques.

Clean Bandit performs on stage with grace, emotion, and charisma. Practicing Singing Carrots' Tips for Performing on Stage, Singing with Emotion, and Relaxing Breath can help you convey the right emotions while maintaining your stage presence.

Singing like a pro in any song requires practice, and it's essential to practice regularly and use resources like Singing Carrot's Vocal Pitch Monitor, Pitch Training, and educational singing courses.

With all these tips and resources, you'll be sounding like Clean Bandit's lead singers in no time and delivering stunning performances on stage.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.